First Time Visitor

What to Expect

Are you planning to visit with us in worship for the first time?

Where do I park?

Parking is available in the front of the church building (some are reserved for handicapped parking), in municipal lots that are a two minute walk from the church, and in public spaces around the beautiful Grafton Common. We also have parking available behind the building directly across the street.

When you arrive

You will be welcomed by our Deacons and given a worship bulletin. If you wish, please sign our guest book so we can be in touch.

What if I have children?

Children are always welcome in worship! We have a Sunday school program for all ages of children. Parents are also welcome to keep their toddlers and infants with them throughout the worship service.

Older children are welcome to sit with their parents during worship. At the beginning of worship there is a time for the children to gather at the font of the church for a lesson crafted for them. Following the Children's message, children are invited to attend Sunday School or to return to their parents.

What happens during worship?

Our minister and members participate in leading different parts of the worship service. We sing hymns, recite prayers, listen to Bible readings and music, participate in giving and learn from a sermon. Once a month, we celebrate Communion as part of our worship service.

May I take Communion?

Yes, you can. We welcome everyone to share in communion with us. We serve the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month. The church practices OPEN COMMUNION, which means that anyone who wishes to may partake of the bread and the juice. You do not have to be a member to participate.

Where are the restrooms?

The restrooms are located on the Fellowship Hall level. We are currently working to convert one of our restrooms to be fully accessible.

Fellowship Time

Everyone is invited to join us for fellowship following worship! We love to meet visitors and greet each other after worship. Coffee, tea and light refreshments are served downstairs in Russell Fellowship Hall.


Large print hymnals are available, please request one from the Deacons. The sanctuary is accessible via a ramp on the side of the church. There is a wheelchair available at the ramp entrance to the building. We are currently working to convert one of our restrooms to be fully accessible.